Happiness Flush Empowerment
DNA Flush Empowerment Attunement
Inner Angel Awakening
Mastering Destiny Empowerment
Life's Possibilities Flush
All is Well Activation Attunement
Victim Mentality Flush Empowerment
Soul Level Relationship Reading (Two Souls)
Spiritual Transmutation and Purification Activation
Rejection Flush Empowerment
Miracle Manifesting Amplification
Manifesting Love Empowerment
Soul Beacon Empowerment
Risen Empowerment
Scarcity Mentality Flush
Akashic Record Flush Empowerment
Karmic Illness Flush Empowerment
Luminous Energy Field Clearing and Empowerment
Universal Wisdom Empowerment
High Heart Chakra Clearing & Activation System
Weight Loss Healing Flush Empowerment
Divine Inheritance Flush Empowerment
The Sacred Beauty Flush Empowerment
Intimacy Flush Empowerment System Masters Healing Light Academy