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Full Spiritual Power Blockage Removal and Awakening Clearing and Healing



This session module is for clients that wish to fully be in their spiritual power. Thismodule opens up clients to their full spiritual power in a healthy balanced manner:

Session One

Masculine energy:

In this session module all blocks to the client's masculine energy are removed.Masculine energy is the aggressive energy that begins the attainment of abundance. Masculine energy is the aggressive energy that initiates manifesting all that we desire in life.

Session Two

Feminine Energy:

In this session module all blocks to the client's feminine energy are removed.Feminine energy is the passive energy that allows the attainment of abundance through patiently allowing what we deserve to come to us with gratitude.Feminine energy is the passive energy that allows the completion of the cycle of manifestation cycle all that we desire in life by patiently allowing what we have created to come to us with gratitude.


Each Session is 90 Minutes


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