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Ultimate Weight Loss Reiki Healing and Attunement Package

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Ultimate Weight Loss Reiki Healing and Attunement Package Combo


For Serious Seekers who are ready for Permanent Weight Loss  




There are 26 -60 MinuteReiki Sessions and many Attunements to support Permanent Weight Loss


I have been using variousReiki healing sessions for the purpose of weight loss because I had an extrafifty pounds that I needed to lose. In 12 months I have lost 52 pounds byworking with Reiki energies for healing. You see the weight that I needed toget off was not caused by a lack of nutritional know-how - it was caused byemotional eating.

We do not overeat simplybecause we love food - if only it were that simple! We overeat and snack onunhealthy foods out of emotional impulse. Successful weight loss is possibleonly when we identify what emotional function overeating is playing and takeaction to fill our needs in healthier ways.

Therefore, I realized for Successful PERMANENT Weight Loss EmotionalHealing was NECESSARY AND VITAL to SUCCESS!

After I identified whatwas going on I put together a combination of healing sessions to remove blocksthat were present to losing weight. Once I successfully lost 23 pounds I beganoffering sessions to a few long time clients. I have added a few to enhance thepackage!

Between the five ofus we have lost a total of 158 pounds!

Okay – I identified keyissues that were blocks to lasting weight loss:

Stress Factor –Eating due to stress

Unworthiness Factor– Eating due to feeling of unworthiness

Escape Factor –Dulling emotions to escape issues

Self Protection –Eating due to unconscious attempts to shield and protect myself emotionally

Avoiding Factor –Eating to bury the inner voice – the still small voice within – to avoidresponsibility of its guidance

Self Sabotage Factor– Eating due to unconscious self esteem and self confidence issues from thislifetime and others

Self Care/Self LoveFactor – Eating and not taking care of self – not about self control –about self care

Energy Factor –Eating to refuel energy with a binge at the end of a stressful day tellingourselves we deserve it

Anxiety/Fear Factor– Eating when experiencing anxiety and fear

Negative Energy Factor– Negative energy from others that we come into contact with in our dailyexperiences

The Solution!

26- 60 MinuteHealing Sessions Included in this Reiki Healing Weight Loss Package

1 Weight LossHealing Flush Session

4 Weight Loss ReikiHealing Sessions


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